Brand Centre
Here, you can find everything you need to know about our brand. From our logo usage to our tone of voice, these guidelines provide a clear path to representing us consistently and effectively.
This is the official logo for Exponential Science foundation (ES). Use of the ES trademark and logo must comply with these rules.

We should use the primary version of logo wherever it is possible.


The small version of logo should only be used at extremely small sizes such as favicons or social signatures.
The minimum clear space surrounding the Primary and Small Logotype is equivalent to 1/2 of the height of the logotype.

Our logo's two colours provide flexibility, ensuring a professional appearance on a variety of backgrounds. The black logo works well on light backgrounds, while the white version stands out on both coloured and dark backgrounds.
White Logo

The white logo should be used on dark backgrounds.
Dark Logo
Dark logo should be used on white and light backgrounds.

Co-Branding and Partnerships
The logo should be used with a partner logo with specified clearance. For alignment, match x-width of logos if possible. If ES is the main organiser, keep the logo bigger than the others.

ES as Main Organiser

Equal Partners (logos side by side)

ES as one of the Partners
(secondary - but same level as other partners)

Don’t use the logo on top of plain images

Instead, add a layer of color that turns the image purple and creates contrast with the logo

Don’t modify the logo in any way (change shape, font, etc)